A NAMI Delaware membership is right for you because you care about the mental health of your family, your employees and your community. You can help those affected by mental illness:
Connect with other families or organizations fighting the stigma:
Your NAMI Delaware membership ensures that you stay connected with individuals in similar roles also fighting the stigma. Whether they’re caring family members, dedicated employees or community leaders, you’ll have a support system to share and hear about diverse experiences, challenges and opportunities.
Receive crucial information and education:
Your NAMI Delaware membership places you in the heart of a network that provides life-saving information, support and education. You join thousands of Delawareans fighting for hope and recovery – people who understand the realities of mental illness and its challenges. You also will have access to educational opportunities, including an annual conference.
Shape policy and funding
Your NAMI Delaware membership and voice help shape state and national policy and funding decisions that improve the lives of people affected by mental illness. Your membership also demonstrates additional public support for the cause, which assists with our advocacy and fundraising efforts.

Your NAMI Delaware membership includes:
Join our NAMI Delaware family today!
Select from three membership rates:

Household membership
Includes everyone living at the same address.

Regular membership
For one person.

Open-Door membership
for an individual with limited finances.