The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
NAMI Delaware was founded in 1983 by Simon and Jill Shute along with a group of families desperate for support for their loved ones. Over the years the organization has grown to provide a wide range of awareness, advocacy, support, education and housing to support those affected by mental illness in Delaware.

We educate:
NAMI Delaware offers a variety of signature programs, an annual educational conference, and special events to ensure that individuals, families and professionals receive the support and information they need.
We advocate:
NAMI Delaware shapes public policy for people with mental illness and their families. We advocate on behalf of Delawareans, provide legislative advocacy and encourage systemic change.
We listen:
Our toll-free NAMI Delaware Helpline allows us to respond personally to thousands of requests each year, providing free referral, information and support—a much-needed lifeline for many.
We lead:
NAMI Delaware works with the media, educators, healthcare professionals, elected and appointed officials, and many more to raise awareness, fight stigma and encourage understanding.
We dream of a time when our community embraces total wellness and where everyone is free to live to their potential.

To support, educate and advocate until there is a cure for severe and persistent mental illness.

Meet our leadership
Our volunteer leaders set the strategic direction of the organization and supports our passion for improving the lives of Delawareans.
Meet our staff
Our dedicated staff members are mission-focused and passionate about improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
NAMI Delaware
Inclusivity Statement
As an organization and community of people focused on mental health; we affirm the value of people of every racial identity, ethnicity, socio-economic status, age, gender, relationship status, physical or mental ability, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. We welcome all who desire to participate in our programs and activities, for everyone brings gifts and experiences that strengthen and enrich our community. We commit ourselves to making inclusivity a reality for our organization and our community, by continuing to learn and grow in relationship with one another.
We especially proclaim this statement of welcome to those who have been excluded and/or told that they do not fully belong or matter. We welcome you to our programs, our activities, and our community. You matter. Your mental health matters. You are not alone.

Millions of people are affected by mental illness each year. Across Delaware, many people
just like you work, perform, create, compete, laugh, love and inspire every day.

1 in 5 U.S. adults
experience mental illness
1 in 20
1 in 20
adults experience serious mental illness
17% of youth (6-17 years)
experience a mental health disorder
“NAMI Delaware is an invaluable asset to Delaware. During my eight years in the state legislature, I have regularly relied on NAMI Delaware to help me better understand the top concerns and struggles of individuals and families affected by mental illness. They are always willing to collaborate to identify a path to help our state government more effectively serve those who desperately need assistance. I am a better legislator due to the assistance that NAMI Delaware has provided to me.”
“NAMI Delaware is an invaluable asset to Delaware. During my eight years in the state legislature, I have regularly relied on NAMI Delaware to help me better understand the top concerns and struggles of individuals and families affected by mental illness. They are always willing to collaborate to identify a path to help our state government more effectively serve those who desperately need assistance. I am a better legislator due to the assistance that NAMI Delaware has provided to me.”
“NAMI Delaware is an invaluable asset to Delaware. During my eight years in the state legislature, I have regularly relied on NAMI Delaware to help me better understand the top concerns and struggles of individuals and families affected by mental illness. They are always willing to collaborate to identify a path to help our state government more effectively serve those who desperately need assistance. I am a better legislator due to the assistance that NAMI Delaware has provided to me.”
Main Office
(302) 427–0787
En español (302) 415-4356
2400 West 4th Street
Wilmington, DE, 19805
Sussex Office
21133 Sterling Ave, Suite 12
Georgetown, DE 19947 (by appointment only)
When submitting your information – we highly recommend including your phone number. Sometimes our email response to you may end up in your SPAM or Junk mail.